SLV GRAD NIGHT A Safe & Sober Valley Tradition for 40 Years
SLVUSD “Grad Night” 2024 Code of Conduct
This Consent Form must be turned in to the counseling office before Grad Night, or at the check-in table at Grad Night;
You will NOT be allowed in without this signed form.
Grad Night is for SLVHS & Coast Redwood HS, Class of 2024 graduates only.
Leave ALL valuables, including money, at home or locked in your car - no money is needed or accepted once you have entered Grad Night.
Graduates MUST enter between 8:00PM to 9:00PM and need to bring a form of ID or have an adult volunteer who can vouch for them.
NO outside food or beverages (including water bottles) are allowed.
NO backpacks or purses (any size) will be allowed into GN. They will be checked and stored in the Counseling Office (this includes gifts, packages, etc.).
Once the graduate has entered the event, there are NO REFUNDS.
Only cameras and cell phones are allowed to be brought into the event area.
Graduates will behave in a responsible and respectful manner. This includes using appropriate language at all times, using the trash cans, & respecting the hard work the Grad Night committee has put into this event! This also includes wearing appropriate clothing at all times.
Graduates must stay within the fenced Grad Night area until 3:00AM on Saturday, June 8, 2024; graduates who leave will not be allowed to re-enter. Graduates who leave before 3 AM will need to have parent permission to do so.
Laws - these will be STRICTLY enforced:
NO tobacco, vaping, marijuana, alcohol or drug products of any kind.
NO firearms, explosives, fireworks or other dangerous items.
NO vandalism, theft of any property, personal or public; this includes taking any props, decorations, etc. All bags will be checked before leaving GN.
NO person shall intend to cause or threaten to cause injury to another person.
NO verbal abuse, harassment or malicious treatment of any kind shall be made to anyone.
Disregarding any of the above guidelines and laws will result in the sheriff & parents being called; you WILL be removed from Grad Night - NO EXCEPTIONS
YES, I have read and understood the SLV Grad Night “Code of Conduct”
SLV GRADUATE Name:________________________________________________________
SLV GRADUATE Signature:______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian - please circle one:
**I DO need to be called if my child leaves before 3 AM: Ph. #__________________________
** I do NOT need to be called if my child leaves before 3 AM
Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________________
In case of an EMERGENCY contact: __________________________________________________________________